Thursday, May 28, 2009


Keep your eyes and attention on the person you are talking to at all times.


Marycruz Urbano  

        Yanette Zamora  

        Daisie Rodriguez 

        Roy Montes      as Mr. Trevino

                Adalia Martinez      as Ms. Lopez

                Hugo Sarabia        as The Narrator


**IDEA#2,  keep eye contact while someone is speaking, pay attention to him/her at all times.**

--It is the beginning of the day and Marycruz is walking in the building. A a friend of hers, Yanette  catches up to her and asks her if she can help her with her Spanish.--

Marycruz: "Hey, what's up? "

Yanette: "Oh nothing. Hey, do you think you could help me with my Spanish?" 

Marycruz: Yeah, sure, wait." 

--Daisie walks into the movie--

Daisie: "What's up?"

Marycruz: Oh hi daisie, I have to tell you something.

--They start talking non-stop and Yannette is still waiting and waiting.--

Mr. Trevino: RISE is over! Get back to class or I'll give you all detention!!

--At spanish, Ms. Lopez is collecting the homework.--

Yanette: Umm.. I didn't understand it. 

Ms. Lopez: Well, you've got WestWing today. Call your mom.

--Yannette calls her mom and doesn't talk to anyone.--

Marycruz: Hey, I'm real sorry about everything.

Daisie: Yeah, me too. We should've helped you. 

Yannette: Yeah,yeah. It's cool.

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