Friday, February 27, 2009

February, 26, 2009

February, 26, 2009

Do Now: 
  How can you become more proficient with technology?
 = like, with the internet you could research important things like homework, when you have a job; you could do your job at home. Or with cars, they save you a lot of tiering walks all the way to school, work, vacations, etc. There are a lot of ectertainment technology. Like, video games, and movie theaters, and a lot of other stuff. 

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February, 27, 2009

Do Now:
When did famous person Andre Agassi reinjure his back?=A minor fender bender last month.
What sport did he participate in?= Tennis 
Who wrote the music lyrics my faith looks up to thee? = Ray Palmer

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February, 24, 2009

Do Now: 
How has technology changed our entertainment industry?
= It has changed A LOT over years.First, with the movies, almost everyone goes to the movies every week; some people even more. With friends, family people you know.... Before, the movies were in brown and white. Then black and white, everything has changed. Look at the new DS that is going to come out in April 16; the DSi, it's going to have a video camara, photo camara, voice recorder, a USB connection, you can hear music, and A LOT more. That is like the third one that is coming out. You see? Technology is changing at the second; trying to make our lives easier and funner.

Monday, February 23, 2009

February, 23, 2009

Do Now: 
  Is it important to know the history of technology? Explain. 
=Yes, it is important to know the history of technology because you need to know what has already happened so that you know what new to make. Also, so that you can gain more knowledge for the future. Because, what if someone asks you and you don't know?