Thursday, May 21, 2009


**IDEA#2,  keep eye contact while someone is speaking, pay attention to him/her at all times.**

--It is the beginning of the day and Marycruz is walking in the building. A a friend of hers, Yanette  catches up to her and asks her if she can help her with her Spanish.--

Marycruz: "Hey, what's up? "

Yanettee: "Oh nothing. Hey, do you think you could help me with my Spanish?" 

Marycruz: Yeah, sure, wait." 

--Daisie walks into the movie--

Daisie: "What's up?"

Marycruz: Oh hi daisie, I have to tell you something.

--They start talking non-stop and Yannette is still waiting and waiting.--

Mr. Trevino: RISE is over! Get back to class or I'll give you all detention!!

--At spanish, Ms. Lopez is collecting the homework.--

Yanette: Umm.. I didn't understand it. 

Ms. Lopez: Well, you've got WestWing today. Call your mom.

--Yannette calls her mom and doesn't talk to anyone.--

MArycruz: Hey, I'm real sorry about everything.

Daisie: Yeah, me too. We should've helped you. 

Yannette: Yeah,yeah. It's cool.

Do Now:
How will I do whatever it takes so I can accomplish today's objective? What will I do differently?
= To accomplish today's objectives, I will try to pay attention to the teacher's instructions and be on task. Which means that I will not be in photo booth, playing with the camera. I will try to do everything as fast as I can and still do it right. I will not talk to my partners here next to  or around me. Most of all, I will try to stay on task. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May, 15, 2009

  In class today, I will learn how to take my picture, re-image my picture and access my pictures in Imovie.  Explain how you learn how and then apply, so you can accomplish this task in 15 minutes.